There's a Bio-Soil blend for everyone!


Please see below for the different soil blends we offer.


Fruit and Vegetable Blend

Seed and Sprout Blend

This Compost blend brings out the best in all Vegetable and Fruit crops. From the recycled bio-mass materials that go back in, to the advanced biodynamic process in which it is made, makes this the perfect blend for anything you eat.

This blend is ideal for any type of microgreen or sprout up to 28 day lifecycle and for all seed start applications.


Medicinal Blend

This compost blend is regeneratively made and has been tested, recorded, and charted 121 times with consistent escalating results year after year. You can choose to add zero nutrients, purified Water Only. Our Medicinal Cannabis Blend compost grows the cleanest, natural medicine in the State of Michigan.

Landscape Compost

Developed in harmony with our understandings of Permaculture, we offer a soil-soul-fertility-solution for the entire Landscape. This Compost can allow you to eliminate the misuse of automated drinking water sprinkler systems. Once your plants are established, little to zero water is needed even in the most extreme drought conditions.

Please give us a call today for pricing, delivery, and availability!
